Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hello, blog world.

I know it's been a while since I updated. The problem was that I had no clue how to follow up my "seeing-the-world" post of last time. Enough has happened that I could have updated but .... it wouldn't have been a really good followup.

Well, here I am. And don'tcha love me, I'm going to fill you in on the past few weeks.

Pretty much a few days afer I had said revelation, I got another call for a job. I don't get too excited these days - though I have to say, when I see "Booked Talent" on my caller ID, I do get really giddy - but when they called for Glee.......

I'm not even a big Glee fan.
Hell, I've never seen an episode of the show.

But it's like... national TV! I'm not enough of an idiot to think that someone would see the "me" sized and colored blur in the background and think, "My God, I must find that girl and put her in this big project!" But still... it's Glee. There was singing and dancing. Granted, of the two days I worked it, the first day at the studio was far better, but I at least got money for the hell day.

I'm not really allowed to give specifics about this episode (2.02, btw. Airing September.) but I worked 13 hours the first day, where it was mainly hallway crosses and whatnot. The second day was on location at a (somewhat) local high school where they did the numbers. This was the hell day. First, for one of them, I was put in a stairwell with some others. I go up stairs while they do their bit. Anywho, while we weren't filming, I somehow managed to twist my ankle. I was excused from part of the work and met the medic. (Robert. Very nice guy.) Filled out a bunch of paperwork and got some ice and whatnot. Part Two of Hell Day: I cannot climb stairs because of twisted ankle. I tell PA Roger about this. He lets me do crosses in front of said stairwell instead.

Now, this is somewhat hard to explain in words (and without being in person) but I'll do my best. They were focusing on the stairwell at this point. There was a HUGE screen to the left of where I was walking, and one above. Two cameras were in action - one set, facing where I would walk, and one moving, where people could walk out the doors. (I swear to God this will all make so much more sense when the episode airs and I can pause and explain "here's where.....") Now. We're in rehearsal. PA Jim gestures me and two others to cross. We do not know that the moving camera (held by a person, by the way) was basically running backwards into us. The guy gets out fine. The girl and I get trapped between a pole and the huge screen to our left. She slips through. The guy holding a screen for the camera STEPS ON THAT SAME ANKLE.


Then he cusses me out.

*sniff, sniff*

So yes. Not my best day of work, to be sure. But hell, I got paid for that stuff!

Okay. Following Glee.......

Three days later is Ernest's show of Twelfth Night up in Lindsay. I gather Lauren up and take Gary's car and we go see the show on its closing night. Lauren sees the town, I enjoy conversation about Shakespeare (as well as the production, of course) and met a second one of Ernest's friends from Lindsay. (By the by, the first I had met because he also goes to school. So ... kind of the first real hometown only friend.) Next day, I take Lauren and Ernest back with me to home. I tell ya, even though it's only 3 hours up there, I do not enjoy being behind the wheel for that long - cuz the night in between doesn't really COUNT too much as a break from driving. It's more... I know I'm doing another 3 hours down soon, let me just nap.

So we had Ernest here for about a week and a half. And this may sound terrible, but it's meant with the best - he's amazing, but I am really enjoying my "me" time right now. Playing host for that long is draining. Not to mention, I don't have to worry about anyone peeking at my screen or trying to steal my iPhone from under my nose.... ;)

Today Mom and I saw Eat Pray Love. Oh my God I loved it soooooo much! It was better that I had read the book first, to be honest. Because it's a year of transformation and experiences... there is no feasible way that any of that can fit into two and a half hours. Which, by the way, goes by insanely fast. It seeems to me that I had Julie and Julia last year (remember? I started this blog cuz of it?) and Eat Pray Love is the meaningful movie for this summer. Letters to Juliet was the one of the spring, but that was almost "meaningful lite" to me, compared to the others. All of them show beautiful locations and amazing things. I still want to try the boeuf bourguignon from Julia Child's cookbook. I have this blog up and (mostly) going. I'd love to write to Juliet's Secretaries. And because of this movie... No, I don't want to visit Bali or India, especially for four months like Elizabeth Gilbert did. I'd love to see France and Italy. Maybe not England again but definitely some of the others in the area - Ireland and Scotland and everything beautiful.

Unfortunately, European travel plans aren't in my current budget situation, so I'll have to settle myself for gazing at pictures on the Internet, possibly bugging people that ARE going, and (this is the big one!) learning a new language.

I don't know what, yet. I thought of Italian because of how it all sounds and how it's not just a spoken language, but a language in gestures and tones as well. I have a slight background in French, but I know I'd constantly be hearing my ninth- and tenth- grade Madame in the back of my mind "Samantha, passe compose for ...... " <-- insert horrid verb there. Spanish is too common around here. Sure, it'd be useful, but I've lost hearing the beauty in it.

I was thinking maybe Portugese. Something. Tomorrow (or, later today, as the case may be) I'll be heading to Barnes and Noble to look at language books and tapes. We'll see what I can find. You'll be one of the first to know. ;)


I have a week left til move-in. In that week is going to Disneyland/California Adventure with my parents (and getting to dine in CLUB 33!!!!!) and also my birthday. It's going to be a good week! :)

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