Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Goodness gracious!

It's been almost two months since I updated?! :O Oops!

What's been going on? Well, I'll be going a bit out of order, but....

1. I auditioned for the spring Production.
2. I did not get in. :( More about this later.
3. Ernest and I celebrated our year anniversary. <3
4. I saw Idina Menzel perform live! Hooooooooooly crap!
5. I saw Raul Esparza and Brooke Shields in "Leap of Faith", down at the Ahmanson. I really hope it goes to Broadway. It was really good!
6. I've started knitting Christmas gifts for my roomies. I have no idea what to get Ernest for Christmas, and it's driving me a little crazy.
7. There have been multiple "Pablo" moments. More about Pablo later.
8. I have connected with a couple of girls in my acting class about the amazing and supermegafoxyawesomehot Darren Criss. We got tickets to see him!!

Okay, more in detail.
The spring production was The Donner Party Cycle, written by one of the faculty here, Mr. Bob Mayberry. It's about the Donner Party and their journey - I had never learned about the Donner Party in school, so getting the information this late in life about potential cannibals was like WHOA. You know? So anywho, I went to the history and reading session, I talked to him before that all happened about the show, I chose a more serious monologue for Acting class so I could get accustomed to not being a more silly character... and I nailed my audition. You know the feeling when you're like, "oh, I could have done better at x, y, and z"? That didn't come up at all. And that ALWAYS comes up. So when I got the email last week with my name NOT on the cast list.. well, to be quite frank, I started questioning everything. Myself, my intuition, even if this was the right field for me to go into. Especially since there is a very good possibility that I'm graduating in the fall and will not have another production to audition for.
The thing is, though, there is only ONE production a year here. I keep telling myself that out in the Real World, there are more opportunities... sure, there are more opportunities to get rejected, but at least I won't audition once and be done for a whole year. Like here. The thing is, this is the second production in two years that I haven't gotten in to. At least I was crew for the last one, as much as I hated being there and not on-stage. Don't get me wrong, stage manager was an amazing learning experience, and I wouldn't trade that. And for that audition, I DID have that niggling I don't think I did well feeling. But at least I was there, you know? .. But I'm just not in this one at all. Fuck.

About our anniversary: It was wonderful. We had talked it over like three weeks prior to October 18 and had thought that a picnic sounded really fun and easy to do. Unfortunately, the weather didn't like that plan, so picnic got canceled and I asked him to plan something. He came through great - we did a wonderful, traditional dinner and a movie. We went to Denny's down the road, where we went quite a bit last semester, and saw Despicable Me at the three dollar movie theater. Both instances were really fun! Definitely one of my better memories of this semester. <3

Idina! Holy shit she was amaaaaaaaaaaaazing. She performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center for one show only, backed by like an entire symphony! She sang some Wicked and some Rent, then branched out into the song she sang for Glee, and some Barbra Streisand, and some old jazz and musical theatre classics. She had on this gorgeous purple evening gown - strapless, with it cinched at the waist with a shiny buckle type thing and the rest flowing down like some sort of Greek goddess' toga. She was barefoot. She also talked to the audience like we were all her new best friends, telling stories and getting sidetracked and everything. It was great!

"Leap of Faith" - based on the movie with Steve Martin, apparently. It was so cute! I read some reviews beforehand, so I'd know what we were getting in to (I've never seen the movie, but I am in love with Raul Esparza's voice. So there. LOL) and some reviews said that though they understood that the show was still in previews, it was sorely lacking in depth and depended too much on the star quality of the actors. I disagree. The relationships between Raul Esparza and Brooke Shields and Raul and his stage sister Kendra Kassebaum and between the choir - oh, I loved it! I can't wait to see it on the Tony's in a year or so! :P

Ah, yes, the necessary knitting post. Well, I've started making gifts for my roomies. Roomie A gets a lacy scarf in a blue/purple color scheme. It's about 2/3 done now, I think. Roomie B gets a lacier wrap in a very vibrant purple. It's a very easy pattern, and I think I'm about halfway done, maybe more. I haven't yet started on Roomie C's gift, but it's a cowl that is alternating all purl rows and all knit rows, in the round, and I don't foresee that being any problem. Sometime next week or something I'll just put in a movie, print out the pattern, and knit and watch/listen. My favorite knitting activity. :D

Oh, Pablo. <-- That has become a saying in my acting class. There's this guy (Peter) who can somehow get away with saying the raciest things EVER. (He freaking called me a ho and since it's him, I didn't get offended at all. ?!) Peter has somehow become Pablo Jebidiah Casanova over the course of the semester. So when he makes comments like "why is it dirty?" when asking our teacher the meaning behind our "quick and dirty warmups", we all start giggling and saying "oh, Pablo". I have to say, the Pablo moments are probably like.. twenty percent on why I look forward to acting so much. Other moments include: the aforementioned "ho" incident - "A missive.. like a letter... It has words??" - since he has a Hungarian accent, adding a redneck one to that is absolutely hysterical!!

More about my acting class, since I adore it so freaking much! I've made good friends with two girls, Laura and Neggin. I think the two of them connected over Glee, which I don't really watch at all... but suddenly Darren Criss from AVPM/AVPS got on it. And now the three of us are giggling up a storm about how talented/wonderful/cute/hot Darren is, especially in relationship to his partner on the show, Kurt. They have such a cute relationship! But the three of us always quote either his Glee scenes or AVPM/AVPS. Laura found that he will be playing in Hollywood the Saturday after finals, so we got up the courage and called in for tickets, and got them! So now we get to see the supermegafoxyawesomehot Darren live in person!! <3 Soooooo excited!

I think that's all the major things that have been happening this semester. I shall try to keep better updating habits in the future. :)


1 comment:

  1. Lucky lady to see Raul Esparza live! I must admit, I am in love with more than his voice :)
