Thursday, February 4, 2010

An odd thought.

So I'm fully awake (at 9am! Shocking!!) and reading an article about the Sentimental Novel for my major american authors class. A passage struck me as weird and I thought I'd share because I'm almost done but the fire alarms going off in another building and I don't want to go back yet.

It's talking about how Clarissa is indistinguishable from her virginity, and how that's not like the chastity advocated by the Church.

Then I thought, Wait a minute, in those days girls got married at like fourteen! Of course they should still be virgins! Then that led me to choke on my coffee when I thought of the girls who weren't, and why they were not and the S.O.Bs that made them that way. Ewwww!!

I am no religion nut. I've read the bible, attempted Torah before, and have my own set of beliefs based on my own knowledge- not what anyone else has tried to get me to believe. Upon reading this article, I wondered, was the Church trying to stop child molestors? But then again, weren't the girls always in the wrong, and persecuted as such, as if they had really asked for it?

Well, maybe they did. I never said I knew their society. But as those girls DID get married young... Maybe they gossiped about their "marital relations" with their best friends? Sure, they didn't have the same scientific knowledge we have today. But damn, those girls probably knew what was what about sex way earlier than what we do today!

My main thought here was the child molestation and the Church. Somehow as I typed, more ideas came forth. Don't you love when that happens?

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