Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How ironic...

... That I should write about the negative effects of the media in here last night. I just got out of a class where the theme is violence and school shootings. We spent the whole period watching Bowling for Columbine. If that movie doesn't make a point about how the media fucks everyone up, I don't know what does.

I'm still unsettled by this movie. More than I really thought I would be. I was only eight when the Columbine occurred. I have no recollection of the news reports on it. It wasn't until senior year of high school before I learned anything about it besides the name.

One thing I DO remember in vivid detail that this movie showed was 9/11. I remember going in for breakfast that morning and becoming entranced by the image on tv. After all, nothing that bad happened HERE, right? Ha. Well, in any case, the movie had a clip of the plane flying into the second tower. Just thinking of it still makes me absolutely completely shocked.

As soon as class ended, I knew I had to be around some natural beauty before I settled into too deep of a funk. I'm not sure if it's working. I'm in a small courtyard in between buildings. There's a nice fountain. Brick walkways. Trees and grass and flowers and No Smoking signs.

Well. If I don't cheer up, Production will be interesting tonight.

All the best,

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