Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thoughts of the Day

Today on the drive back up to school, I saw a Denny's. This is not a new Denny's. I see it every time I drive back up here, and I have ever since I started going to college. What makes tonight's passage worth mentioning is that all the letters in the sign were lit up. It's one of those different signs where each of the letters is individually lit up by neon or some such gas. I've driven past Denn 's, or enny's, or even Den y' , but almost never Denny's. And this is so silly to even mention in a blog, but this small thing made me really happy.

Also in the car: I've noticed that I never put on a show when others are in the car. I love to sing. Whether I'm any good, I don't know. I sing in my car, in the shower, just hanging around my room... you get the idea. But if anyone's around besides my mother, I will clam up. Well, I won't stop singing, but I'll tone down the performance level a LOT. Like... on a scale of one to ten, going from a nine to a two and a half. If it's just me.. oh, boy, all bets are off. I'll belt or do funny voices or even mime some of the lyrics as I sing them. Too bad the only other person to see me do this is biased. ;)

I am in the production again this year. This is such an exciting thing! For the past two weeks, we've mainly been getting to know one another and getting a feel of each other as an ensemble. The show will be going on at Week Twelve of the semester. We're going on Week Three right now and still don't know our roles. I'm not going to lie, that is really grating on my nerves, as well as some of my cast mates', if the gossip I hear is correct. But it really has been fun getting to know old friends better, and making new friends in our common and shared experience. :)

So much of today's society is in such a negative place. This is, I believe, mainly attributed to the media as it is. We as a people listen to the news with all of its war talk and diseases and politics and generally horrible things happening in the world. The shows that try to put some positivity into the show are regarded as jokes and they'll get delegated to talk-show status. But moving aside... I do try to be positive. I'll groan and bitch how much so-and-so annoys me, or how I just hate this or that... but I love spreading positivity to others. This usually comes about in small comments such as in, "Wow, your hair looks great today!" or "Where did you get those shoes?" Stuff like that. Tis is really a twofer, now that I think about it. It is definitely an ice breaker, and conversations will spring forth, which I adore. But also it generally puts the other person in a really good mood for at least a few minutes. One instance springs to mind. This was in early December, and my mom and I were in the Disney store buying some pajamas for my little cousin. I'm just looking around, and notice that the cashier has the most lovely hair - dark brown, about shoulder-blade length, and all ringlets. Not Shirley Temple, but about as wide around as a water bottle or something similar. I mention that her hair looks really great, and she (not being the one ringing us up) looks up at me, gets this huge grin on her face, and says, "Really? I just woke up with it like this today!" Not at all snooty, but really enthusiastic that someone else noticed her fortunate hair day. And that is why I love dropping compliments here and there.... people gobble them up and maybe it'll turn someone's bad day around.

I remember one day last semester where I felt that glow of, Really-Maybe-I-Am-Pretty-Today. I had a furlough day in my costume design class, and since that was the only class of my day, I was free. So that day, I woke up late, put on some sweats, tee shirt, and baseball cap, and went about my day. No makeup. Nothing really nice. I was just looking to be comfortable on a day where no one would judge me by what I wore. So anyway, I went to the cafeteria for lunch and met up with a friend and two of her friends. I sat with them for some hours before heading back to my room. The one guy of the four of us would NOT lay off me... Flirting subtly, then getting kind of nasty when I gave no response to the former. I signed onto AIM and a guy friend started chatting to me... I told him that I was only looking for friendship from guys at the time, as I don't have a solid group. He then proceeded to tell me that he liked me, and as I just said I wasn't looking for romance at the time, should he put off asking me out? I said yes, but was still so so very flattered. The third instance of that day was my crush returning one of my books and chatting with me at my door for twenty minutes. Keep in mind, I was still in the sweats and baseball cap with no makeup on. My mind was BLOWN. I had no idea (and still have no idea) what it was about me that day that drew these three nice young men to me. Was it coincidence? Or did I actually exude something ... confidence, kindness, comfort ....? that acted like honey? I may never know.

Knitting update:

As for the lace patterned scarf: I finished it yesterday, decided it was too long and thin, and ripped it apart. (Ripping = making the yarn back into a ball, as opposed to being my latest project. I didn't tear it up.) I loved the pattern and yarn and needles combination, though, so I simply added on another few stitches to make it wider and hopefully shorter.

I need to make a scarf for Gary this week. He's headed to New York on Sunday (and aren't I jealous!) and it's going to be insanely cold. So, since I knit and all, he asked for something... a first! I'm trying to think of a good yarn that is soft, machine washable, and masculine. I have nothing in my stash that is all three of these requirements. This may call for a trip to my LYS (Local Yarn Store/Shop) tomorrow after classes.

Yesterday I got a yarn that I have been coveting for a few months now. It's this insanely rich purple wool that I put off buying because I didn't want to make just another scarf with it. It's too nice for that. But I broke down and got it because there was a pattern for fingerless gloves made FOR THAT YARN right next to it. I am a sucker for fingerless gloves. I've made six pairs that I remember. One was for a gift, but oftentimes I'll make them because I have too little yarn to make anything else out of it. That, or I'll see a nice pattern and think, Gee, that'll look nice with Yarn X and Needles Y. It's all trial and error, folks. But the shop had a sample glove next to the pattern and yarn, and it was so nice and cozy and fun looking that I just had to get it. It's a different pattern type than I'm used to, but hopefully that won't be much of a problem.

Okay.. I'm going to get to bed early for a change! Tis just about eleven.. I'd like to be in REM by midnight! ... if that's possible. I don't remember how fast it takes to get to REM state sleep..

Anywho, good night! :)

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