Saturday, January 30, 2010

I know I said I wasn't inspired...

But that was yesterday. And now it's today, and I'm bored, so I'm gonna blog. Because really, that's about it on what I can do.

Right now I'm working for my mom for Disney's "give a day, get a day" deal. We've been collecting books for about four hours now from people that have signed up. We still have another hour.

Up until now, I've been knitting in between people arriving. I felt bad last night about having no inspiration, so I went through my various magazines and such (again.... I did it last weekend as well) to hopefully find a nice stitch to use for my yarn I brought home. I accidentally left last week's sample at school, so had nothing to do at home.

I don't like to be idle.

So I got to my last magazine - of course it was the last one! - and found some lace patterns. I've been too intimidated to try lace much... There's not a lot of repetition in lace in one row, let alone in the sometimes sixteen-row repeat pattern. But I found an easy four-row repeat, and so that's what I've been doing, both last night and today during this book drive.

Um. What else? Oh! I watched an episode of How I Met Your Mother last night where Ted's students make a drinking game out of Robin's tv show... They drink every time she says "but, um". I was obviously not awake this morning, as I was playing something similar with my coffee. I had the Disney playlist going, and Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life for Me was going. I dared myself to drink a sip of coffee every time they sang "drink up, me hearties, yo ho!". I realized within 30 seconds or so that I would be extremely hyper and run out of coffee quickly if I continued in this vein. But for that first minute or so, I was very amused.

Also...... I am in fact a true 90s kid. My mom has Capri Sun in her office, and I was able to get the straw in on the first go. I am very proud of this fact.

Only 35 minutes left. *sigh*


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