Sunday, January 10, 2010

On the Road

We're back in California. Granted, we're five minutes over the border, but it still counts. :)

I don't get bored very easily. I can only think of two times I've consciously thought that. And I know that's all that I've thought it cuz I'm always so shocked at myself. Despite the fact that I'll bitch that I have nothing to do, I always do. If nothing else, I'll daydream. I'm good at that. ;) I enjoy thinking of any ways that various situations could go down. They never do, but at least I'm prepared.

I was thinking about what I could do after graduating, knowing myself and my personality as well as I do. My mother says I am an excellent writer. I like to believe that this is true. I've daydreamed about being a novelist. Do I think I could actually keep myself entertained for a whole book of creation? No. The way I think is more in a staged format. Blame it on the many many plays I've seen, whatever. Thinking realistically, I could find myself entranced with writing one act plays or short stories. I love making up detailed histories for my characters, even if I never get a chance to use all that information. It's like I'm a biographer and a psychologist all at once- I know how my people react, and why they do so. Now, going with my other degree. I could join the millions of people out here longing to become actors. I could keep up my extras jobs. I probably will. Despite the mistreatment I suffered at Greek, I still think being an extra is a really easy way to make money. Of course, once I'm in the real world, this opinion could change drastically, but it'd be fun to keep doing. My original goal was to become a Broadway actress, you know. I would have such a blast in that. I am not the worlds best singer, I know. I couldn't even get into Reflections while at LAB, for goodness' sakes. And I cannot dance. Is it too late to begin or resume those lessons? I don't know.

I've just got word that we have three more hours on the road. Hooray.

Of course, I could combine my majors and write plays for the rest of my life. The only thing I have a problem with is that i've somehow picked the two majors in the world where it's hardest to be "discovered". I'm only nineteen, and in school. I know this, yet it doesn't relieve my fears that I'll just end up in a 9-5 job like someone who just gave up. I'm on good terms with at least ... four published authors. I could hopefully get agent and publisher information from them. I do have one poem published in print, but it was one of those website scams to make money, and mine was one of those randomly chosen.

I just realized that this is the second post in two days about not knowing how to advance myself somehow. If you have any ideas about either issue, please let me know.

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