Friday, January 8, 2010

Hey all

Not to make too big an issue of it- but I am so very tired. Today is the third day in a row that I've had to get up at least three hours before my normal wake-up time, and I made the unfortunate decision two nights out of three to go to bed at my normal time. Ugh. Not fun.

The first day I had to go to a glass repair shop cuz some jerk broke a window in my car- that little one that just seems to be there in the back? Yeah. So that was done by eleven. I spent the rest of the day in a daze... But that lifted somewhat when I got called by my service and told that I was booked for a job!! I was soo excited! Finally, some money, and something to put on my resume!

Day two, I woke up and put on my finest "graduation" wear. I was a student on Greek, and got one of the fancy graduation robes. Which meant that I got to be closer to the cameras. Yay! It shot at CSUN, so that was a nice drive. The job started off great, but when we didn't get any water for five hours, we got a little cranky. Not to mention no food til the very very end of the day. Also- heels in mud is not fun. I kept sinking and getting stuck when the camera was not rolling. Yanking my good heels out of the dirt and grass outside the CSUN library is not that fun, surprisingly, even if I was getting paid for it.

I met some really nice people. One of the PAs put me in a clump with these two women in their fifties- Nancy and Karen. He then said we were supposed to be sisters, but once he was out of earshot, the three of us nixed that and decided that they were my lesbian moms and I was their turkey baster baby, carried by Karen. Later on, Nancy "left" Karen for some guy, and the two of us gained my "second cousin twice removed" "boyfriend", George. He was a nice guy. Quiet, and I think gay, but he automatically became cool when he told me he used to work for Disney. He kept "leaving" me for other girls to walk around the graduation with. Ah well. ;) I worked eight hours yesterday, and can't wait for more jobs. The episode is the season (and, I hear, series) finale of Greek. It should be epic. ;)

Today I had to wake up early so we could get on the road to Arizona. We should be there in about an hour. The whole trip, I've been working on a shawl. It's getting rather glorious, I must say. I'd been saving the yarn for something really nice, and I'm glad I chose this. It's this nice silk-wool blend in a kind of silver lavender periwinkle. <3 Again, soooo very glorious. :)

I'm gonna play I Spy now. K bye!

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