Saturday, January 9, 2010

Arizona Post Number Two

I just made a sock. Yes, just one. Lol!

I made a sock before. Again, only one. I hated the yarn when I was finished, so I haven't yet psyched myself up enough to go back to it. But this.. Oh, this is nice. 50/50 acrylic and nylon. Normally I love the natural fibers as opposed to manmade ones, but this is so nice and soft and easy to work with, i think I'll make an exception. ;)

And it was oh so easy! I've lost my fear of dpn's (double pointed needles), so that wasn't a problem. I chose a really repetitive stitch (knit 2, purl 2, repeat repeat repeat...) and a number of stitches that made so it would look nice instead of all screwy. As well as fit my foot, of course. I chose to not use a heel on this, because they really just complicate things. I'm fine wearing the tube sock I finished not half an hour ago. It's a pretty purple. The picture I took makes it look more blueish, so maybe I'll post it on facebook, maybe not. Probably when I have both done and I'm making my "winter break" album. Yeah.

Ummm. That's really about it. For right now, anywho. K bye. :)

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