Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

See, told you it'd be 2010 before I updated again. ;)

This year is up to a good start, so far. I have no resolutions, and so will feel no real disappointment if I fail at my goal. For once, I am comfortable in my own body, and the diet/exercise resolution has not arisen. I have accepted that I will never be model thin, and I am okay with that. As long as I eat healthy and be active, I see no reason to fret about my weight. And I could resolve to never procrastinate again. But I know myself, and that is not a reasonable resolution.

I could always resolve to become more socially active. That is a resolution that I am all for, actually. I have gotten closer to those in the play last year - yet I have seen only one over break. And that was my boyfriend, who I went and visited to celebrate New Year's. But more on that later.

Let's see. I have 233 Facebook friends, currently. I am in regular contact with three of them. One is my mother. One is my boyfriend. And one is a good friend, I have to say. Yet what about the other 230? If I were to be completely honest in who I would actually talk to in the next year, I could probably delete at least 200 of those friends.

It's really sad how antisocial I am, isn't it?

So yeah, if anyone feels alone or the urge to hang out with someone new on the weekends.. chances are, I'm free. Gimme a call, or drop me a line on Facebook. Or even here, I'm not picky.

On a somewhat separate note: my best friend from kindergarten and I haven't spoken in a year and a half. I'm not sure how this makes me feel. Actually, that was a complete and utter lie. I know exactly how I feel about this. Whether or not I care to divulge to any Tom, Dick, or Harry that decides to read my blog... no, I don't think so. If you know me personally, feel free to message me. If you don't, then feel free to wonder from afar.

Um. I started this post with a whole other thought in mind. Let's see here...

Oh yes.

I brought in 2010 marvelously. Mom and Gary decided to take us three on a bit of a road trip.. right to Ernest's door. Three hours away. It was so awesome. :) I love my parents. So I got to see him and break up the time of not seeing one another in half, which was a relief.

Of course, it wasn't enough time. It was like, just a teaser or something of how life at school was. We were just as comfortable and we joked around just as much as we did at school.. but it was still only for one night. You know, rather than a semester. There's only so much a phone call or text message can connect two people. There's really nothing like face-to-face interaction.

So Ernest took me on a real tour through his town, and some of the surrounding towns as well. It was all very nice. We went back to his house and watched a movie as midnight passed us by. We did share a kiss at midnight, of course. (I set an alarm on my phone! ;] ) Then he drove me back to the hotel and I got ready for bed.. I saw him today before we left town. I was emotional. But I think I'd prefer to be emotional than to just be "Okay, see you in two weeks, bye" - detatched. You know? I hope I'm making sense to the empty cyberspace out there.

Of course, not too much has happened in 2010 yet. It's only been a day! Give it some time, I'm sure I'll have plenty to say. ;)

Bye for now!

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