Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I know I won't get time later, so..

My Life in 2009-

January 1: I start a relationship with Jack, a close friend over the winter holiday. We keep in touch via instant message for the rest of the break. Once we get back to school, we manage to see each other very frequently, as our rooms are only a building apart in the dorms. Aside from the relationship, though, the semester starts and I meet my fellow cast members for the springtime production. I am nervous, as this is my first college play and the others all seem to worldly and experience to my eyes.

February: I participate in the sorority's rush week, but do not get accepted. Jack's and my first month "anniversary" goes by, but on February 10, Jack and I break up. I was devastated, not least because I had already bought him things for Valentine's Day. This was my first actual relationship - I do not count ones that lasted all of three days - ie Bradley, my first kiss in high school, or Jeff, my first kiss in college. In late February, I enjoy my first time on a television set, as I work as an extra on the show Numb3rs. I decide that when I can, working as an extra would be nice. (The episode you can play "Spot Samantha" in is "Animal Rites".)

From this point up until Spring break or so, I focus on my schoolwork. I am so embarassed from my experiences with Jack. I avoid him for months. My friendships aren't going as well as they could be, either. This is evidenced when my three "closest" friends all hung out together in spring break and did not invite me to anything. However, I do get closer to some of the cast of the production, which is better in the long run, I suppose. A few of us go to Disneyland during spring break, and hang out when we have to paint the set for the show.

April: My other classes fall by the wayside (not evidenced in my work, just in my attention span towards them) as the production draws closer and closer. We have tech week, and I now know my castmates quite well and am comfortable being myself around them. This is quite a feat for me. We have the production ("Once in a Lifetime") in late April, and it is amazing. There are a few flubs in the lines here and there, but we know each other well enough to work past them so the audience does not see the awkwardness of the moments. My parents come see the show, as does my uncle and four of my friends. Only two stay after the show (Nick and Ross). Jess and Liz go and do laundry before they see me after the show.

May: Aside from the end of the spring semester, nothing really remarkable happens here. I get to go home for the summer, and not see my castmates until fall. Fortunately, my nerd friends are online all the time, so I can talk to them. May is a time of relaxation, as my summer school classes won't begin until late June. Ahh, this is the life. ;) One major thing that happened in May is that I get my closure from Jack. It is the first time since we broke up that I am able to look him in the face and talk to him.

June: I go to Disneyland a LOT in this month. I get my Annual Pass in the first week of the month, and go quite a bit before my pass becomes blacked out in July and half of August. In one week, I go on a Tuesday with one bunch of friends, a Thursday/Friday grad nite trip with another friend, and that following Monday with one of my friends from the Tuesday trip, and some of her other friends. Summer school starts. I decide to drop one of my classes, so I won't be there from 10 am to 10 pm. Instead, I'm only there from 10 am to 5 or 6 pm. Makes all the difference, doesn't it? I take Cultural Anthropology, Sociology 1, and Developmental Psychology. The first class is all right (except the video we watch when a giraffe is brutally murdered.. gag!), but I LOVE the last two classes.

July: My family from Arizona decides to pay us a visit. I am partway through classes at this point, but decide to drop Anthro when it starts kicking my butt big time. And I mean, when I get cranky and start hyperventilating the night before a test, since we have gone over NONE of the things involved. I also set up an appointment with Brigitte, a family friend who owns a voice acting studio. I am nervous as heck, but manage to go in and quirk my voice enough to pay my respects to various video game stereotypes. Fourth of July rolls around, and Mom and I take Gary to see our fireworks show at the CBS studios. My classes end for the summer, as session two ends while I'm in college. I also get my wisdom teeth taken out - ouch!! Somewhere in here, I manage to make a few visits to my friend Nick, who is working at the school for the summer.

August: I am knitting quite a bit. I finish my first real bag - it is wool, and I felt it because it is far too large. It is pink and black and one of my proudest knitting achievements. I manage to figure out a faster way to purl faster when I start a beautifully long afghan. I manage to finish most of the afghan within a few weeks, but run out of yarn near the end so it is put on indefinite hold. In the week before school, I take a vacation to San Diego and Las Vegas. I enjoy the sun in San Diego with such activities as sea-dooing and kayaking, and enjoy the nightlife in Vegas as much as I can, as I am still only eighteen and cannot legally do most of the fun stuff in the city. However, I do see a nice performance of Phantom. The next night, however, I get sick for most of the night, the car ride home that day, and a few days afterward. I do not even pack my own things to go back to school - I am feeling so ill, my mother does it for me. I do feel better once the first week of school starts - coincidentally, also two days before my birthday.

On August 26, I throw a small party on my 19th birthday - my dad and uncle show up, as do my friends Caitlin, Nick, Jess, Liz, and Ernest. Liz invites her roommate Zoe without telling me, but there is more than enough pizza to go around. I end up eating it for about a week and a half straight, and still throwing away about half a pizza. At the party, we sat around and talked for quite a while, then decided that playing some games would be fun. We head over to the library (after a false start) and lose Liz and Zoe, but the rest of us play the Game of Life for about an hour or so. It is very fun.

September: This is a month of social drama. I hang out with Liz, Jess, and Nick almost constantly, and almost always feel awkward. We had almost none of the same interests - they play video games, I read. They watch anime, I watch chick flicks. Their nerd interest is computers and electronics, mine is drama and books. I am really close to Nick, though, and get closer to Jess as time goes on, so do not much mind Liz's company - even when she seems to mind mine. It seems to me that tension spirals higher and higher before one day, I am cast out of the room like an unruly child. It is here that I snap, and decide to cut my involvement with this group. I decide that I need a group of friends that I have common interests with, and that will respect me as I am and not put me down for trying to be me. This is how I viewed the other group. Whether or not they were actually like this is anyone's guess. It is also in September that Nick and Jess start to go out. In this month, I went to the D23 Expo in Anaheim, as I am a huge Disney nut. This is definitely one of the highlights of 2009.

October: With my goal of good friends in mind, I invite a bunch of high school and production people to go to Disneyland with me the first weekend of October. Two are available and get back to me: my friend Lauren, who I have gone to Disneyland with previously - she was the grad nite friend, and my friend Ernest, who I was in the production with, and spoke to on Facebook over the summer quite a bit. We go, and have a blast. The next day, Lauren is picked up by her mother, but as I am the ride back up to school, Ernest is dragged to the Long Beach Aquarium with me and my parents. Many pictures are taken, and an injury is had to his hand. In place of ice, two cold cans of soda are placed on his injury. The next week, he holds my hand on the way from our mutual class to my class immediately following. On October 18, we start a relationship. For Lauren's birthday and for Halloween plans, the three of us go back to Disneyland on the 30th. It's not too crowded, and we do things that we didn't do on the previous trip. Lauren and I go on the Halloween-ized version of Space Mountain. I do not like this at all - bloody skeleton corpses coming at me? Not my deal. We go on the "Nightmare Before Christmas" Haunted Mansion ride. I still prefer the original, but scream anyway when prompted in the Elevator Room. We watch the Halloween fireworks in front of the castle and pray that the CD comes out soon. For Halloween, I doll myself up (haha) as Dolly Parton - fake breasts and everything. Ernest doesn't have a costume, so improvises with his towel. He says he's a hitch hiker. Lauren dresses as a flapper. We make quite a sight - first going through my neighborhood for candy, then through Lauren's grandmother's neighborhood (where we get much more candy), then finally to visit my uncles before heading home. Lauren is picked up and Ernest and I proceed to play my old video games for a few hours.

November: A lot of furlough days happened here, so it feels like not a lot happened. I had essentially two weeks off classes - one because of furloughs, the other because of taking of the whole of the Thanksgiving week. I spent some of this time catching up with friends that I hadn't seen in quite some time - Chase, a friend from my last high school, Ra'idah, my bff from middle school, and Bryan, my bff from my first elementary school. In my spare time and during the break, I work on papers due for the end of the semester. In the rest of the time, I see Ernest around campus. Our month "anniversary" rolls around. :) I also pick my groups for performing in my musical theater and world drama and theatre. I know at least one person in all three groups - Albert is in my multicultural lit and creative writing classes as well as world drama, and I chose two groups for the other class because I knew the majority of the class from the production and my friends needed another person. I participate in Black Friday this year, and do NOT regret it.

December: I bring Ernest to explore Hollywood for a day, and to see a play. We have rehearsals and such for finishing up the semester - I get to watch a good friend (who played my love interest in the play) strangle my boyfriend. I always make sure to give Ernest a hug after he was "killed" for his scene. On the tenth, I'm done with classes and pack up to come home until the 16th of January. During winter break, Ernest and I text a lot, which is nice, but not as nice as seeing one another in person. Our two month "anniversary" goes by. I also sign with Booked Talent, an extras agency. I hope to get some jobs before going back to school. I finish up my Christmas shopping, and enjoy knowing that my chosen people will LOVE their presents - I got Mom a Julia Child cookbook, a mug from the Disney Store, a meditation day-by-day calendar, a small book with jokes by George Carlin, and several magazines for crocheters. I got Aunt Kathy the same Julia Child cookbook, a purse, the DVD of "Julie and Julia", and Mom included some of her crocheted scarves.

Now, it is almost the end of 2009 - only 23 more hours left, now that I'm almost done with this blog entry. This afternoon, we will be heading upstate so I can bring in the New Year with Ernest and spend some time away from Los Angeles, as we would not bring it in very spectacularily down here. The next I talk to you blog people, we'll be in 2010.

I can't wait.

Happy New Year!!

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