Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm bored.

And stuck outside of our hotel room. For some reason or other, the door won't open. So y'all get to see my half-awake musings til my mom comes back with a new key.

I just saw someone downstairs that looked almost exactly like one of my aquaintances from my graduating high school. He was a sophomore when I was a senior, and sometimes a jerk, but nicer than the majority of the people there. I actually existed to him. Which is really more than I can say for my classmates.

To them, I was just an answer key. If I was even there, of course. Never mind about my own work or anything in my personal life. If I gave them the answer, I was a cheat to half of them, and if I didn't, I was a prude to the rest of them.

See why I love college so much more than high school?

Um. Okay. Let's see. We're back in the room, but I'm gonna keep going.

We're in Phoenix, AZ to celebrate Gary's 50th out here with his parents and a few of his brothers. Next weekend is the celebration at my house. Should be fun.

On a completely separate note: I cannot wait to go back to school! I have really missed my friends and the hustle and bustle around campus. I may be antisocial, but I LOVE being around people. I get too inside my thoughts and too into my home and stuff when I'm by myself. This is not a bad thing, but I do get a bit stir crazy after a few days.

I told my parents that I'd like to be more active when on campus. They suggested bringing my bike back. I said Hell No! Firstly, I have no idea where i'd put it. Second, I don't know where I'd ride it. Thirdly, I don't know when I'll have time. And fourth, I don't have NEARLY enough stamina for that to be a good idea. I love riding my bike when I can- but those are always short rides, like around the neighborhood for maybe forty five minutes, stopping every so often for water or shade. I'd like to improve this, really, but I either don't know how or have simply grown too lazy to continue my exercise plans. I used to be really athletic, you know. I could run really fast and beat out the guys in whatever- I was taking ice skating lessons- I took karate... Then it went downhill. I got pneumonia in the sixth grade, which started the whole deal when I couldn't run for very long without being completely out of breath. Ice skating stopped when I was practicing stopping (which was simply opening my skates quickly and gathering some ice on either side) and toppled over. I hit my head. Actually, my glasses intimately met my skull. They glued me back together in the ER. Karate lasted a long while - I started in when I was eleven, got my black belt at fourteen, took a year's break, and went back to my dojo to assistant teach for a year and a half. I stopped that cuz I was going into my senior year and had to concentrate on my schoolwork.

So yeah, there's a bunch of random history of mine. Enjoy. Let me know what you think. All that jazz.

I finished the shawl last night. It IS so so sooooo glorious. <3 now to work on either the autumn scarf I brought, or the tube socks I've been working on.

Okay... TTYL!! :)

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