Friday, May 21, 2010


The universe is looking out for me.

I just got a call from my booking agency, and I have a job for Monday! It's on a show called Hung, and I have to be at Paramount in Hollywood at six in the morning. But it's a job! It will be Disneyland funds and hopefully I can get enough to earn my SAG card quickly enough!

Oh, I'm so happy, I could just burst! Having a job means I won't be sitting here on my ass wondering what to do next. Now I'll just be doing that at Paramount instead. But at least I'll be in different surroundings and getting paid to do .... whatever it is! :P

Karma, you are not a bitch. Well, yes, to bad people, but hopefully this doesn't bite me in the ass as I get up at four in the morning on Monday.

That means that I'll be going to bed at like nine o'clock Sunday night. That means no phone calls or text messages then.

That means you! ;)

Summer is underway

... and it's really really boring.

It's only been a week.


The only thing I can think of doin is go to Disneyland. And I won't be able to do that in July. I think. So what the hell am I supposed to do during the days? I'm so used to having JC classes during the past few summers that I love having stuff to do.

I don't do idle well. I get into my head too much. It becomes rather unfortunate.

Anyone have any ideas how I can keep busy without spending too much money, with me being on call as an extra every day?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Summer, cont'd

What to do.. What to type...

My second final for the day is over. I aced the performing arts part. Maybe got one question wrong. But the essays were amazing. "what are the responsibilities if a Stage Manager?" "describe the evolution of the American musical theater." I love it! (my phone suggested "live" instead of "love"... Really, both are applicable. Haha)

Even thinking about the summer coming up is enough to make me want to cry, if not shed a tear or two. I haven't yet fully broken down. I'll get there. It's kind of inevitable.

Some of the events of the day have reminded me of when Jack broke up with me. God, I hope it's not a repeat.

I'm gonna have some food then pack up. Yay. Please note my absolute lack of enthusiasm.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm no longer MIA!

Hello blog world.

I am heading home from Arizona. Yes, again. This makes, what, like three or four times since I started this blog? And I blog every time. Well, there's not much else to do on my way like this. I Spy is way too easy. What would we pick: sky, dirt, tumbleweed, mountain? Probably not.

I was woken up today at 7, so please forgive any groggyness that comes through.

Yesterday was kind of fun- and that was before I saw the family and my cute little cousin. I wore a dress yesterday - something that really rarely happens - and I kept getting attention. Male attention. Even though I am in an amazing relationship, it was a nice ego boost. I never notice this stuff at home or school, so maybe the Arizona guys are more obvious? I don't know and I really don't care.

This week is finals week. I only have three in-class finals, which is nice. Then we get let out for like three and a half months, which is definitely more bittersweet. I'm going to miss everyone so much! I hate how we all scatter like this... It's just annoying. Sure, there's facebook but there's really nothing like face-to-face interaction with people.

My companion (besides you, dear blog reader) on this amazingly boring car trip is A Very Potter Musical playing on my iPod. This student made show is really really amazing. I've watched it like three times. I think I'm so attached to it by now because I first watched it on opening night of the show. That was a success, and since I'm superstitious like that, I made sure to at least listen to the soundtrack before the show. I wish there was a way to get the video on my iPod. I tried one way but it wasn't compatible or some nonsense. If you haven't watched it, just try it. I may go and find it on YouTube on my phone and watch at least the first song. :)

I'm not sure if I should be typing this out, knowing of at least two readers certain identities... Ah well. I'm a jealous person. Not so far as personal belongings go, really. As far as people go. Friends, boyfriend, family. I become hurt and upset if people I hang out with make plans and don't invite me. Especially if I'm right there. That's just impolite. And people flirting with Ernest when I'm right there. I don't think so. Yes, he's handsome. But I'm also in the vicinity. So yes, I will glare at you. You're probably a nice person. Just stop the flirting. Moving on.... My cousins. I love them all dearly, and it does make sense that they're all so close, but for Thanksgiving and other holidays when we all get together, I've felt like a fourth wheel since... God, probably junior high, now that I think about it.

So this post has taken for-frikin'-ever. Thanks for reading.

All my best,

I'm no longer MIA!

Hello blog world.

I am heading home from Arizona. Yes, again. This makes, what, like three or four times since I started this blog? And I blog every time. Well, there's not much else to do on my way like this. I Spy is way too easy. What would we pick: sky, dirt, tumbleweed, mountain? Probably not.

I was woken up today at 7, so please forgive any groggyness that comes through.

Yesterday was kind of fun- and that was before I saw the family and my cute little cousin. I wore a dress yesterday - something that really rarely happens - and I kept getting attention. Male attention. Even though I am in an amazing relationship, it was a nice ego boost. I never notice this stuff at home or school, so maybe the Arizona guys are more obvious? I don't know and I really don't care.

This week is finals week. I only have three in-class finals, which is nice. Then we get let out for like three and a half months, which is definitely more bittersweet. I'm going to miss everyone so much! I hate how we all scatter like this... It's just annoying. Sure, there's facebook but there's really nothing like face-to-face interaction with people.

My companion (besides you, dear blog reader) on this amazingly boring car trip is A Very Potter Musical playing on my iPod. This student made show is really really amazing. I've watched it like three times. I think I'm so attached to it by now because I first watched it on opening night of the show. That was a success, and since I'm superstitious like that, I made sure to at least listen to the soundtrack before the show. I wish there was a way to get the video on my iPod. I tried one way but it wasn't compatible or some nonsense. If you haven't watched it, just try it. I may go and find it on YouTube on my phone and watch at least the first song. :)

I'm not sure if I should be typing this out, knowing of at least two readers certain identities... Ah well. I'm a jealous person. Not so far as personal belongings go, really. As far as people go. Friends, boyfriend, family. I become hurt and upset if people I hang out with make plans and don't invite me. Especially if I'm right there. That's just impolite. And people flirting with Ernest when I'm right there. I don't think so. Yes, he's handsome. But I'm also in the vicinity. So yes, I will glare at you. You're probably a nice person. Just stop the flirting. Moving on.... My cousins. I love them all dearly, and it does make sense that they're all so close, but for Thanksgiving and other holidays when we all get together, I've felt like a fourth wheel since... God, probably junior high, now that I think about it.

So this post has taken for-frikin'-ever. Thanks for reading.

All my best,