Friday, May 21, 2010


The universe is looking out for me.

I just got a call from my booking agency, and I have a job for Monday! It's on a show called Hung, and I have to be at Paramount in Hollywood at six in the morning. But it's a job! It will be Disneyland funds and hopefully I can get enough to earn my SAG card quickly enough!

Oh, I'm so happy, I could just burst! Having a job means I won't be sitting here on my ass wondering what to do next. Now I'll just be doing that at Paramount instead. But at least I'll be in different surroundings and getting paid to do .... whatever it is! :P

Karma, you are not a bitch. Well, yes, to bad people, but hopefully this doesn't bite me in the ass as I get up at four in the morning on Monday.

That means that I'll be going to bed at like nine o'clock Sunday night. That means no phone calls or text messages then.

That means you! ;)

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