Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Just something to get off my chest. It's been bugging me for like a month and a half now.

I was on a job - Glee, if I remember right - and we were just sitting in holding. Again. So I bring out my knitting. It always brings out comments, but from the guy next to me:

"Oh my God!! What are you doing? Crocheting?!"
I correct him: it's knitting.

"Geez! That's so much worse! You're not a like eighty year old lady; you have no business doing that!"

What. The. FUCK?!

Has it really gotten in today's society that someone that isn't fully grown or an "eighty year old lady" can't enjoy a bit of craft work? How do these people think the eighty year old ladies whip out all the blankets and scarves and sweaters? It's not elementary stuff, Watson. It's fucking hard. They probably started when they were my age and advanced UNTIL they were able to get those projects out quickly for their significant other, then their children, then perhaps grandchildren. It's not like.. you turn a certain age, join AARP, and BAM! You know how to knit. Doesn't work that way, bucko.


Sorry, this has been resting on me for a while. According to my calendar, since the beginning of August, apparently. And I'm working on sock #2 still - I had to put it down. I dislike socks. Not because of the DPNs... I actually don't mind those. But because I have to make two of them. I know, I know, it sounds terrible. But if I could get away with having mismatched knitted socks the rest of my life, I totally would. But... I'm pretty much on the foot now, so easy going. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself.

Okie doke. Xoxoxo!


Monday, September 20, 2010


I don't GET IT.

I'm using the same pattern. With the same measurements. (I took notes before, which made me so sure that this was the right pattern.

Yet this time the sock is looking a LOT smaller.

I really hope it will stretch with wear and wash. Cuz ... what good will it be otherwise to have two "matching" socks... with two different sizes?

*sigh* I've been working on this thing for like two and a half hours. I'm at the gusset... aka where the heel ends and the rest of the foot will begin. Lots of minor shaping and moving of stitches here.

I reeeeeeeeeally hope this will work! *end whining*



Over the summer, I made a sock.

That's right. Still only one.

I had gotten these great DPNs and this wonderful soft sock yarn at a store in Monterey. So I decided, what the hell, I'll try socks.

Now, these needles are TEENY. So when I had finished Sock Number One, I decided to take a break from straining my eyesight and go on to bigger needle projects. This would have been fine, but...

I lost the pattern.

Yeah. Not my best move, to be sure. Fortunately, it wasn't something I had paid for in a store or anything. It was a free pattern online at ravelry.com (I love ravelry!>

It was fairly easy to find on that page. It was the only one that had no lace or lattice work and was the right height. No knee socks for me; only ankle socks til I get more money so I can get more sock yarn!

So, end of the story: I found the pattern. Yay! Now: to not strain my vision as I work on these toothpick-wide-sized needles again! ;) Sock Number Two, coming right up! (I'll post a picture... hopefully y'all can help me if they should be called Mermaid socks or Mardi Gras socks. We'll see!)


Nothing really of note..

To be honest, I have no reason to update right now except that it's been a while and I'm bored. I have class in two hours and nothing (sort of) to do.

I suppose I could start reading for Thursday and Friday, but I'm just .... eh. It's not what I want to do.

What do I want to do?

-move around
-get air
-knit (duh)
-sing and dance around
-be productive
-go for a drive

Most of these things are at least somewhat active, a trait I seem to be lacking today. Maybe this is because I just got an email from my professor of my one class today and she says we'll be very physical today.

I also think I want to move around ... because I can't really right now. Yesterday, we went to the LA County Fair and as we were leaving, it felt like I pulled a muscle in the arch of my foot. It's felt better today, but I'm not looking forward to moving around past walking around the suite.

Uhhh... I have more thoughts in my head, I swear I do. I'm just censoring a lot.

And when did my blog become a place for me NOT to really rant and tell whoever's reading about my knitting, but instead a place of veiled ideas based on what's going on in life? Geez.

That's it from me now.
