Monday, September 20, 2010


Over the summer, I made a sock.

That's right. Still only one.

I had gotten these great DPNs and this wonderful soft sock yarn at a store in Monterey. So I decided, what the hell, I'll try socks.

Now, these needles are TEENY. So when I had finished Sock Number One, I decided to take a break from straining my eyesight and go on to bigger needle projects. This would have been fine, but...

I lost the pattern.

Yeah. Not my best move, to be sure. Fortunately, it wasn't something I had paid for in a store or anything. It was a free pattern online at (I love ravelry!>

It was fairly easy to find on that page. It was the only one that had no lace or lattice work and was the right height. No knee socks for me; only ankle socks til I get more money so I can get more sock yarn!

So, end of the story: I found the pattern. Yay! Now: to not strain my vision as I work on these toothpick-wide-sized needles again! ;) Sock Number Two, coming right up! (I'll post a picture... hopefully y'all can help me if they should be called Mermaid socks or Mardi Gras socks. We'll see!)


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