Thursday, July 1, 2010

Not quite as "soon" as I was hoping, really.

I've really really meant to update this so many times since I last posted.

A lot has happened.
Not that much, when I think about it.
We'll see.

Pretty much right after I posted, it was Ernest's birthday, so I went up to Lindsay for a while. Then he came back down here for a while. All in all, we spent 11 days completely together. After our separation of ...what, three weeks? ... it was nice.

I've been to Disneyland once since I updated - but not with Lauren, which was kind of odd. I went with my friend Adam, who was in the Heidi Chronicles. It was really a lot of fun. We did different things (well, not really, but in a different pattern) than I'm used to, and it was just really cool to be there. I've worked twice since last update - once on a game show called Pictureka, which will be on a new channel by Hasbro and Discovery this fal, and once on Greek. We shot at Pierce during Greek, which was really nice as I've done that drive at that time for the last two summers. I didn't fret about parking or weather or the drive. It was a four hour day too, which was reaaaaaaally good, cuz otherwise they probably would have had a mob on their hands. (We shot under direct sun, at noon, in 90+ degree weather, in layered clothing, in summertime. We were not a happy 300 person crowd.)

I've seen Toy Story 3 a few times and adored it each time. It has its sad moments - I gasped out loud and tears welled up when I first learned that Bo Peep was no longer with the toys, for one - but it is absolutely phenomenal. Buzz's Spanish Mode was too funny!

So as you can see, I could have updated after really any of this to go more into detail. Why now? Nothing really happened today. I got up, spent some time fooling around on the computer, went to the mall and met up with my mom for mani/pedi, and came home for dinner. That's it.

I was at the mall waiting for Mom to show up. (I came there from home, she came from work... two completely different directions.) I'm browsing in one of those Forever 21 knockoff stores and trying on clothes when I hear a group of giggly girls crowding in a few of the dressing rooms around mine. Whatever.

What I was not expecting was to come out and come face to face with one girl that everyone adored in my second high school and for her to kind of look through me. Then four of her friends come out of the rooms - they're the giggly girls - and all talk about the outfits they're considering.


Well. I'm not feeling at all awkward.

I wait for some recognition, but kind of discretely (I hope) by hanging around some racks next to the open area by the dressing rooms.


I totally gave them an in, too. I faked a phone call. I picked up a tee shirt and played my ringtone, stopped it, held the phone to my ear. "Hello? This is Samantha. ....Oh, I'm sorry, you have the wrong number." This "conversation" happened as I passed them to return to the fitting room.

I know, I know. I'm cringing at my own actions. But it seemed logical. What if they recognized my face but had forgotten the name? I know each of their first and last names and sort of what happened to them after I transferred and we all graduated. (Thank God for facebook. Oh, right. We're all facebook friends and this is STILL going down.) How awkward would conversation have been if that had been the case?


I know I thought in high school that I was invisible. I wasn't really cool but not that nerdy either. I kind of floated through the ranks and social groups. But I did plays with two of them and one of the girls was my French class partner for a semester. I guess I had hoped that through social networking and after high school, I wouldn't feel invisible anymore. I don't in college (most of the time).

But today in that store.. and even right now... It's all just flooding back.

God, I hate high school. When can I go to college?

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