Friday, July 2, 2010

Watching Monk right now and...

I reeeeeeally want to see The Silence of the Lambs.

I read the book. I've seen the posters and pictures of it online.

I'm just too chicken to actually go buy the movie and watch it on my own. Horror films are not exactly my favorite thing in the world - but I managed the first book fine. It was Hannibal that made me cringe every few chapters (that Mason Verger is a SICK mo-fo... Not to mention the pictures of Gary Oldman in costume...!)

But I don't know... Although Jame Gumb is equally sick in his own way, I really love Ted Levine's acting.

I'm just having a really hard time figuring out what he would look like. I've seen that one picture of him on google images like a million times but can't figure out what he's really going to look like as Gumb.

It must be Captain Stottlemeyer's mustache that's throwing me off.

But it's that whole thing of loving acting rather than the physicality of an actor thing that I really want to see. Not to mention that Jame Gumb is really a 180 from this part for Ted Levine - a murderer versus a homicide captain? A man with a mustache versus a gender-confused one? Oh dear Lord the character differences alone make me giggle.

I also found out that Tony Shalhoub also played Scoop in The Heidi Chronicles. But from his Monk characterizations, you'd really never know it.

Hm. I think now I'm just typing random stuff. Have a nice night, all.

Oh! Yes. If anyone reading is my facebook friend and plays Cafe World and/or Frontierville, any way you could send me gifts? I need stuff. ;)

Okay, I'm good now. Bye bye!

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