Sunday, July 18, 2010


I woke up from another theater dream. This time I was actually on stage (at least during part of it). Me and my new friend Whitmore (or Whitview, I'm not too sure now that I think about it fourteen hours later) went onstage at this festival and we were gonna sing I Am What I Am from La Cage aux Folles but he didn't get onstage cuz it went against his cult and so I sang a duet about gardening with Angela Lansbury...? I really have no idea what the hell is going on with my subconscious lately but it makes for a good story once I'm awake! ;)

Then I basically hung around until Gary got home. We picked up his friend Kip and we went to the Galleria to see the band of one of their friends. (He wasn't in it, he discovered them.) We then wandered the mall for a bit to keep out of the heat (oh god, the heat!!) before heading to the car show. I saw the Get Smart convertible and Back to the Future Delorean again, as well as a cooler older version of a SmartCar (like, a really older version!!) and an aquatic car. Most of the others were the typical really nice older cars that I would be terrified to drive next to or behind.

We then watched some bands either relive their glory days or pretend to (for example, the Beach Boys tribute band that plays mainly songs from the 60s). I got a really cool picture tonight too, with Chubby Checker! It's exactly the 50th anniversary of The Twist, so the coordinator of the event contacted the Guinness World Book of Records to see if they could break the record of the most people twisting at the same time in the same area. I'm not sure if they achieved the record.

I'm still recovering from having to wake up on Thursday at 6 and Friday at 5, so I suppose I should wrap up this post. I may look at this in the morning and delete half of it for being pure rambling. We'll see.

Good night!!


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