Sunday, September 27, 2009


... Was very busy. At least, it seemed that way.

So I got a belated 18th birthday gift- a tattoo! It's of the comedy and tragedy drama masks. They look so cool!!

Note to self: if I ever get another one of these things, please make sure it has little to no shading in it. I was doing fine during the outlining, but the shading was the really intense and annoying and painful part. I tried to keep myself distracted with my iPod and the pidgeon outside. Then the pidgeon flew away and I needed another distraction. I decided that the Hollywood sign wasn't too bad of an option for that!

Today is all about working at Rockaway Records' 30th Anniversary sale. It should be huge! Well, I hope it is, anyway. I'm currently in cargo shorts (that I got in the seventh grade! Holy crap!) to let the tattoo breathe, a new-logo Rockaway shirt, and a headband in black and yellow that I knitted myself.

Knitting update! I only have nine rows of knit stitch left on my blanket! It's absolutely amazing! Huge, like six feet.. But that's part of the charm, dontcha know? ;) I've also made two headbands.. Both in the same pattern. Both on my size 7 16" circulars. Both awesome. The first one I made with cotton and it's kinda loose, but like a beret. The second one I made with Plymouth Encore yarn (acrylic and wool) and is the aforementioned yellow and black one. I'm starting a third, for when the crowd gets slow during the sale, with pink Cascade 220 wool doubled up.

More later!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Surrounded by desert..

Yep. I'm currently in the car, a few hours away from the destination: Phoenix, Arizona.

I love all of my family that lives there. I do not love the drive that we take going out there. Not because I get carsick or anything, but it's just so long. It's a good thing that I've been able to read (and more recently, knit) in the car for long periods of time.

No worries- I am banished to the backseat, knitting in lap and books on the seat next to me. I'm not driving with all those distractions!

Knitting news: apparently, my blanket's yarn will not get to the store for maybe another two weeks! That's a pain. I need those needles for the shawl I've been craving to make since I found the yarn and pattern a few weeks ago. At least this will give me the time to work on the other big project I started last night- a shirt! Well it's technically a vest, but still. It'll be something to wear! This is amazing to me. I think I was intimidated to start since it called for over a hundred stitches for one row. For one section of the shirt. That will be worked on teeny needles for 14 inches.

It'd better turn out well. I hate ripping out work. I've barely needed to since I started. Let's hope that that pattern keeps.

You know, for the first time in what seems like a long time, I'm not very conflicted as to what is going on with my friends. I've finally figured out that I was incorrectly regarding someone as a friend, when we're only really acquaintances who share some friends.

This only goes to prove I've grown up since the third grade. Then, I fought with all I had to make the person in question only MY friend, and so did my opponent. Now I am secure in knowing that my friends are and always will be mine.. Even if they're someone else's at the same time. Though this time, my opponent is using the third-grade approach- hanging on with both hands.

Time to let go. They're not Barbie dolls. These people have opinions too. Only time will tell what happens.


Monday, September 14, 2009

D23 and lotsa lotsa yarn!

Quite a bit has happened in so short a time. Or so it seems, anyway.

Well the block party was a flop. We got In N Out from the truck (for free, no less), but that was really the only good thing about it. And you know that feeling you get when you KNOW you look good, and you KNOW people are eyeing you but not in a creepy way, but in a damn that's a good outfit way? Yeah, totally felt like that for all of like half an hour when we were in line.

Then my friends disappeared and I gave up and went to my room. Because I got really freaked out because That Guy was there. Maybe more on That Guy later.

So Saturday I wake up bright and early from a phone call from my mom - "Honey, come on, let's go to the D23 Expo!" Okay, that totally made up for being awake at 8am on a Saturday morning. :) So I call my friend who I'm driving home, make sure all my crap is ready, and drive home to get into another car to go down to Anaheim.

Oh. My. God. The D23 Expo was AMAZING. I am a Disney nut. I know this. My friends and family know this. Hell, the person walking outside my window probably knows this. (Okay, maybe not them. But it would be funny if that were true.) So we pull up to the Anaheim Convention Center and it's all Disneyfied. Like there are huge signs hanging, and a few booths around, and Disney just everywhere. Not like, movie covers in color or whatever, but like line drawings. Like how it was advertised. All the signs and stuff.

So tickets were only $37 a person - without the benefit of even belonging to D23 - they only get a seven dollar discount! And we walked into paradise.. That curlieque D as far as the eye can see... Disney Technology, Disney Stores, Disney Disney Disney.


So I got a loooooooooooot of free stuff. Believe you me, that definitely makes things a lot happier. Free bags, free posters, free Volunt-Ears Mickey Mouse ears.. all that and so much more. If I listed everything, even I would get bored with all the Disney crap given to me. Needless to say, it was very exciting.

THEN, to make a good day even better (!), we headed to Velona's. You know, the yarn store in Anaheim I raved about either last post or the one before? Mmhmm. And I took pictures. I'm not quite sure how to put them on here, but they are in fact in existance. Though I was very good. I only got 2 skeins of yarn (one to make something for Christmas, the other just for fun) and a book. And the book only because I saw like three patterns I would love to make.

Sunday was kind of lazy. We all relaxed at home, then Mom and I dragged Gary to see Julie and Julia. Still an amazing movie. Still loving the fact that I started this blog from seeing it! (Is it a month yet? ;] ) After that, I just headed back to school. Had so much homework to finish.. Damn costume design.. I (rather stupidly) thought it would be easier than this. I should have known.. hell, I can't draw a damn thing! Well, one play's costumes are over and done with... time to move on to the next project.

Before heading back to school, though, I stopped at my local yarn shop.. I had stopped there last Sunday as well, and the vendor didn't have my blanket yarn in stock. I assumed she had put in the order. Apparently not. Well, we fixed that, and I am waiting for her phone call that it is in. Can't WAIT to finish this SOB. It's gonna get to be that time to be all cuddly soon, and this blanket'll help. ^_^ Also got another Christmas yarn and one for a gag gift.. shall tell what it is after I give it! (Also the reactions will be in that post. LOL)

So here I am, running on about four or five hours of sleep. Still reminiscing that this was such an amazing weekend. Hoping and praying that next year's D23 Expo is just as good.

Well, we'll see, won't we?


Friday, September 11, 2009


Would it kill you to leave a comment? I have no idea who - if anyone - is even reading this! It does get fairly frustrating, wondering if I'm rambling to myself or if anyone is amused at what I'm spouting off.

Not much change from last night. Well, except that I'm away from all the nerd-speak. Which is nice. XD I still love you, guys.

Um.. well, I may be going down to Palm Desert for the weekend. When asked why, I told my friends (kind of hestitantly), "There.. might be yarn shops?" And at their incredulous looks - "Okay, and I have a chance to go to the D23 Expo." Wherein I was given a lecture on how I should have started with the Expo and then said yarn. I got frustrated, I'll admit, and basically said that yarn to me is like their nerd-stuff to them. And there's this one in Anaheim that leaves me in shock every time.

Jess said I looked like a kid in a candy store when describing Velona's Needlework.

I'm not surprised.

I'll show you.


Okay. So right now I'm sort of preparing for the school's block party - and really, guys? The year's first block party on 9/11? Shame on you! - This entails painting my nails, laying out my makeup and outfit and just basically getting ready to get ready later. :) It's gonna be awesome.

Let's just say that I am no manicurist. But that's why God invented nail polish remover and Q-Tips. :)

There. That looks so much better than before.


Oops. I thought I posted this like, eight hours ago.

Well, my nails are still painted. My hair is straightened to its full capability, my makeup is on, except for the lipstick - the major player in this outfit! I still need to get dressed, but that'll take only a minute. It's actually getting anywhere in the heels I'm planning on wearing that is slightly concerning.

Thankfully, we shan't be out there long. Game night! My friends (basically) in their pajamas, and me looking ready to go clubbing. What a sight we'll be.

Well, I shall (finally) have to bid you adieu for this evening.


Thursday, September 10, 2009


Sitting on my friend's couch, surrounded by nerd speak. So I decided to blog instead of nod and smile anymore. Sorry, guys. XD

I've knitted one of the softest scarfs on the face of the planet. And how cute is this- it's a baby yarn. The company name is Darling. The one I used is called Tinkerbell. I think they have the other characters too. Since I love love love Peter Pan, I couldn't resist.

Let's see. What else? My eyes are still kind of glazed over from pretending I know anything of what they are talking about.

We watched Young Frankenstein earlier. I still love Madeline Kahn in her role, even though she doesn't appear too often. She doesn't have too much on iTunes, which is disappointing. I love her voice! Not so good: I've had the violin tune stuck in my head for two hours now.

Jess: It sucks.

Much love-

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Just finished watching The Princess Bride for the second time in my life - and am still awed that I didn't watch it beforehand. It really does have everything in it... action, love, humor.. what more could you ask for?

Though the last twenty or so years haven't been kind to Cary Elwes. If one googles his picture, one of the main images that comes up is one of him then and now. He's gained quite a bit of weight, and although he still has the same acting talent (and the same voice) it does take a bit of staring at the screen to reliably recognize him.

I took out the black beaded itchy thing. For one - it did not become itchy, which is definitely good. However, I don't think the weave was looking good, and it just wasn't working. I'll find some other purpose for it later. I'm purposely being slow with the blanket, because I don't know if I'll even get it this weekend at my local yarn store, which is where I found it in the first place.

Tomorrow, I have class from 3-6. That is my first class in almost a week. :)

Today, I dragged some of my friends with me to the local Goodwill and we found a "vaudeville costume" for a class on Thursday. It is so drab and staid.. I am shocked that I even bought it. Even if the whole outfit only cost $11.

Well. Time for bed. Homework to do in the morning, and all that stuff.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This first September post took long enough to get off its ass and onto the screen!

So hello. It's finally becoming autumn, thank God. These heat waves could honestly kill someone one day. Damn global warming and normally moderate weather!

Things have been the same... yet taken on a different feel to them, if that makes any sense at all. I am still going to classes and having fun with my friends.. it's just that I feel more relaxed. Well, around some people, of course. It's hard to put into words, but I'll do my best. Things feel more charged with me and my friends - like we're providing tons and tons of laughter-energy like in Monsters Inc. and it's up to us to re-energize the world. So we do, with laughter and drama and lots and lots of sugar. In class I'm definitely more relaxed - having people I know well in there certainly makes a difference! It looks to be a fun semester, if I can budget my time well enough. But with all the various holidays and the state-mandated furlough days, time management shouldn't be too much of a problem. Plus all my teachers seem pretty cool.

I know this seems random, and it ... well, it is. It's very random. I was pondering the other day about age. So much has changed in the last hundred years - hell, the last twenty years! - that really any etiquette book has pretty much been forced out of the window. With all the technology around, what is the proper etiquette for a myspace/facebook booty call? With mass text messages saying "YOU WILL DIE AT MIDNIGHT IF YOU DO NOT FORWARD THIS TO A BAJILLION PEOPLE!!!!!1!!"? And to step aside from the techonological aspect of our society, we have (as a people) become much more aware of the alternatives to aging. A sixty year old can still resemble a forty year old. Twenty-five year olds are being subliminally pushed into buying various products to reduce the effects of aging. I wonder what the shame in aging is. I realize that once that occurs, the angle will probably change, but until then, I am perfectly happy being as I am. But I'm getting way off track. My original thought (you know the one I tried to start the paragraph with?) was with all of this new etiquette, what is the proper response to an inquiry of age. Is it still proper to respond "You never ask a lady her age", or do you give it up? Or perhaps is it to a certain age that this is applicable? (Or maybe a certain age you look? In this society, you may never know.) For instance, I imagine that once a woman reached thirty or so, the "you never ask a woman her age" response would become common. Since forty is the new thirty, does the age question also make that ten year leap? Something to wonder about when bored or daydreaming..

Perhaps I'll read this blog later and wonder what the hell I'm rambling about. Maybe it'll still make complete sense. In any case, I'm off for the night. I'm tired.

OH! Just a knitting update- the blanket is NOT yet finished. I've been busy, don't look at me like that! Not to mention I'm running out of the yarn, which really doesn't help matters. However, I finished a nice self-striping cotton scarf, with an equally nice broken rib pattern. Now going onto a mohair and synthetic fiber scarf, with teeny tiny beads already threaded in. It promises to be itchy. I hope it doesn't come to pass.

All the best-