Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This first September post took long enough to get off its ass and onto the screen!

So hello. It's finally becoming autumn, thank God. These heat waves could honestly kill someone one day. Damn global warming and normally moderate weather!

Things have been the same... yet taken on a different feel to them, if that makes any sense at all. I am still going to classes and having fun with my friends.. it's just that I feel more relaxed. Well, around some people, of course. It's hard to put into words, but I'll do my best. Things feel more charged with me and my friends - like we're providing tons and tons of laughter-energy like in Monsters Inc. and it's up to us to re-energize the world. So we do, with laughter and drama and lots and lots of sugar. In class I'm definitely more relaxed - having people I know well in there certainly makes a difference! It looks to be a fun semester, if I can budget my time well enough. But with all the various holidays and the state-mandated furlough days, time management shouldn't be too much of a problem. Plus all my teachers seem pretty cool.

I know this seems random, and it ... well, it is. It's very random. I was pondering the other day about age. So much has changed in the last hundred years - hell, the last twenty years! - that really any etiquette book has pretty much been forced out of the window. With all the technology around, what is the proper etiquette for a myspace/facebook booty call? With mass text messages saying "YOU WILL DIE AT MIDNIGHT IF YOU DO NOT FORWARD THIS TO A BAJILLION PEOPLE!!!!!1!!"? And to step aside from the techonological aspect of our society, we have (as a people) become much more aware of the alternatives to aging. A sixty year old can still resemble a forty year old. Twenty-five year olds are being subliminally pushed into buying various products to reduce the effects of aging. I wonder what the shame in aging is. I realize that once that occurs, the angle will probably change, but until then, I am perfectly happy being as I am. But I'm getting way off track. My original thought (you know the one I tried to start the paragraph with?) was with all of this new etiquette, what is the proper response to an inquiry of age. Is it still proper to respond "You never ask a lady her age", or do you give it up? Or perhaps is it to a certain age that this is applicable? (Or maybe a certain age you look? In this society, you may never know.) For instance, I imagine that once a woman reached thirty or so, the "you never ask a woman her age" response would become common. Since forty is the new thirty, does the age question also make that ten year leap? Something to wonder about when bored or daydreaming..

Perhaps I'll read this blog later and wonder what the hell I'm rambling about. Maybe it'll still make complete sense. In any case, I'm off for the night. I'm tired.

OH! Just a knitting update- the blanket is NOT yet finished. I've been busy, don't look at me like that! Not to mention I'm running out of the yarn, which really doesn't help matters. However, I finished a nice self-striping cotton scarf, with an equally nice broken rib pattern. Now going onto a mohair and synthetic fiber scarf, with teeny tiny beads already threaded in. It promises to be itchy. I hope it doesn't come to pass.

All the best-

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