Friday, September 18, 2009

Surrounded by desert..

Yep. I'm currently in the car, a few hours away from the destination: Phoenix, Arizona.

I love all of my family that lives there. I do not love the drive that we take going out there. Not because I get carsick or anything, but it's just so long. It's a good thing that I've been able to read (and more recently, knit) in the car for long periods of time.

No worries- I am banished to the backseat, knitting in lap and books on the seat next to me. I'm not driving with all those distractions!

Knitting news: apparently, my blanket's yarn will not get to the store for maybe another two weeks! That's a pain. I need those needles for the shawl I've been craving to make since I found the yarn and pattern a few weeks ago. At least this will give me the time to work on the other big project I started last night- a shirt! Well it's technically a vest, but still. It'll be something to wear! This is amazing to me. I think I was intimidated to start since it called for over a hundred stitches for one row. For one section of the shirt. That will be worked on teeny needles for 14 inches.

It'd better turn out well. I hate ripping out work. I've barely needed to since I started. Let's hope that that pattern keeps.

You know, for the first time in what seems like a long time, I'm not very conflicted as to what is going on with my friends. I've finally figured out that I was incorrectly regarding someone as a friend, when we're only really acquaintances who share some friends.

This only goes to prove I've grown up since the third grade. Then, I fought with all I had to make the person in question only MY friend, and so did my opponent. Now I am secure in knowing that my friends are and always will be mine.. Even if they're someone else's at the same time. Though this time, my opponent is using the third-grade approach- hanging on with both hands.

Time to let go. They're not Barbie dolls. These people have opinions too. Only time will tell what happens.


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