Monday, September 14, 2009

D23 and lotsa lotsa yarn!

Quite a bit has happened in so short a time. Or so it seems, anyway.

Well the block party was a flop. We got In N Out from the truck (for free, no less), but that was really the only good thing about it. And you know that feeling you get when you KNOW you look good, and you KNOW people are eyeing you but not in a creepy way, but in a damn that's a good outfit way? Yeah, totally felt like that for all of like half an hour when we were in line.

Then my friends disappeared and I gave up and went to my room. Because I got really freaked out because That Guy was there. Maybe more on That Guy later.

So Saturday I wake up bright and early from a phone call from my mom - "Honey, come on, let's go to the D23 Expo!" Okay, that totally made up for being awake at 8am on a Saturday morning. :) So I call my friend who I'm driving home, make sure all my crap is ready, and drive home to get into another car to go down to Anaheim.

Oh. My. God. The D23 Expo was AMAZING. I am a Disney nut. I know this. My friends and family know this. Hell, the person walking outside my window probably knows this. (Okay, maybe not them. But it would be funny if that were true.) So we pull up to the Anaheim Convention Center and it's all Disneyfied. Like there are huge signs hanging, and a few booths around, and Disney just everywhere. Not like, movie covers in color or whatever, but like line drawings. Like how it was advertised. All the signs and stuff.

So tickets were only $37 a person - without the benefit of even belonging to D23 - they only get a seven dollar discount! And we walked into paradise.. That curlieque D as far as the eye can see... Disney Technology, Disney Stores, Disney Disney Disney.


So I got a loooooooooooot of free stuff. Believe you me, that definitely makes things a lot happier. Free bags, free posters, free Volunt-Ears Mickey Mouse ears.. all that and so much more. If I listed everything, even I would get bored with all the Disney crap given to me. Needless to say, it was very exciting.

THEN, to make a good day even better (!), we headed to Velona's. You know, the yarn store in Anaheim I raved about either last post or the one before? Mmhmm. And I took pictures. I'm not quite sure how to put them on here, but they are in fact in existance. Though I was very good. I only got 2 skeins of yarn (one to make something for Christmas, the other just for fun) and a book. And the book only because I saw like three patterns I would love to make.

Sunday was kind of lazy. We all relaxed at home, then Mom and I dragged Gary to see Julie and Julia. Still an amazing movie. Still loving the fact that I started this blog from seeing it! (Is it a month yet? ;] ) After that, I just headed back to school. Had so much homework to finish.. Damn costume design.. I (rather stupidly) thought it would be easier than this. I should have known.. hell, I can't draw a damn thing! Well, one play's costumes are over and done with... time to move on to the next project.

Before heading back to school, though, I stopped at my local yarn shop.. I had stopped there last Sunday as well, and the vendor didn't have my blanket yarn in stock. I assumed she had put in the order. Apparently not. Well, we fixed that, and I am waiting for her phone call that it is in. Can't WAIT to finish this SOB. It's gonna get to be that time to be all cuddly soon, and this blanket'll help. ^_^ Also got another Christmas yarn and one for a gag gift.. shall tell what it is after I give it! (Also the reactions will be in that post. LOL)

So here I am, running on about four or five hours of sleep. Still reminiscing that this was such an amazing weekend. Hoping and praying that next year's D23 Expo is just as good.

Well, we'll see, won't we?


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