Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Well. It's been a while.

My apologies for taking so long. I've only just started feeling like myself again, all while getting back in the swing of school, and learning about new teachers and stuff.

I'm glad to be back at school. Isn't that odd? For years and years I hated school and hated coming back.. mainly because I also hated the people and had to take courses I was not interested in. Now I suppose I enjoy being here because I have friends at my disposal, as well as classes I've signed up for because I actually want to learn what's in them.

For the past few days I was feeling so un-me that I stopped knitting. I didn't knit for an entire week. I don't think that's happened since I started. At least not when I had a few projects nearly finished! Finally yesterday I pulled out my needles and finished a scarf I had been working on - thank God, finally the green alpaca yarn is available! - as well as a few rows of my blanket.

You know, I thought I'd feel worse for not finishing my blanket on time. I really did. I pretty much had my heart on finishing this thing on time, and when I didn't I just kind of shrugged it off. "Ehh. I was sick. I'll get back to it. At some point." This is not like me. I do not say "at some point" about something I love. "At some point" implies to me that it's okay if I don't pick it back up. Ever. And for this blanket.. it'd be unacceptable. So I had to (wo)man up and work on it. And I'm glad I did. Even though it's not by last week.

Speaking of.. (well not really but I needed a segue), today's my birthday! As I told my mom earlier, "Wow. This year does nothing for me legally." An odd statement, but a true one. ;) I'm currently waiting for people to show up for a little soiree I'm throwing in my room. Got the cake. Got the pizza. Just need guests. Come one, come all, there's way too much pizza in here!

I hear a knockin' on the door! Gotta go!


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