Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Okay, so the fair was kind of a flop. Not that I managed to get in. No, instead, VC decided to be really stupid and say on the freeway "fair exit here". So I get off the freeway and there is nothing telling me how to get there. There are no signs at all anywhere. Bad planning right there... Six U-turns later, we finally find the correct road. And the lot is full. And there is no way in hell that I'm parking in Ventura- I've too much paranoia for that to be a good idea. So then we're driving around lost for an hour and a half. By this point I'm so tired of the whole thing, I know the fair won't make up for it. I'll be cranky and ruin the others' day. So I turn my car around and drive us away from that whole nightmare. I'm glad I did.

So I got my textbooks for next semester. There's quite a few of them!! I don't know how I'll keep them all straight. There'll be a way.

Um.. I haven't quite managed to felt my bag yet. That'll come tomorrow, cuz my hair appointment got moved to Friday instead of tomorrow. But everything's still all attached, so I'm happy about that.

Haven't watched a movie yet today, so I can't make any advice on what's good to see. But just in general, Clue is excellent-with Tim Curry, Madeline Kahn, and a bunch of others. :)

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