Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Post!

Hello to anyone who may be reading this.

Why did I suddenly decide to make a blog, and hopefully stay with it, now? Really, I blame a little story called Julie & Julia. If you haven't read/seen it, please do so. It was really incredible. I think that ranting to something, even if it's just to myself via blog, will be relaxing in its own way.

So I am a knitter, as the title says. Apparently it's hip now? IDK. I never knew that, just thought a few months back that it sounded like fun. I thought, why not pick up a hobby that there is actually something that comes out of it? Can't spend my whole life in front of a computer like the rest of my generation. I need concrete evidence that I am doing something with myself, not just an image on a computer screen. Ironic, then, that I am starting a blog. Ha.

My latest project is a purse. I've made one before, but this is not a little half-assed clutch. It is a tote. A messenger bag. Something that you do NOT want to mess around with. I've been working on it for about a week now and have the body done, and the attached button-flap. I would have had it done a lot faster, but I ran out of yarn for the body halfway through and it took me a few days to muster the energy and the will to go to TO and pick up another two skeins of the necessary yarn. (Oh, and why is it "skein"? Shouldn't it be "skien"? I mean, i after e except after c, and all that? Ah well.) And anyway, it took me like five tries to get the button-flap ready. Each time I thought I'd have it right then be proven wrong. Very frustrating. No matter now, though, I managed to tame that wool beast!

Now I'm going to work on the handles. Ugh, another trip to TO may be necessary. I really want this purse done by tomorrow, as I'll have like no other time this week to work on it. Tomorrow: Nothing. Tuesday: going to the VC fair with a friend and her mom and aunt. Wednesday: hair appointment up in Santa Clarita. Thursday: back to the oral surgeon so they can inspect my wisdom teeth holes. Friday: pack, both for school and for vacation, because Saturday-Tuesday of next week: vacation! Two days in San Diego, two days in Vegas. It's gonna be fun. :)

All right.. I think that's it for now. I'm sure there's more ramble in me, but this is fine for first post. Can't give away all my secrets all at once! LOL

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