Monday, August 10, 2009


So. I just watched Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore act out the most memorable hand job of the 1990s. That's right. I just saw the movie "Ghost". Holy CRAP it's good! Still haven't gotten over seeing the sensuality of the clay. I shall never look at a pottery class the same way ever again. But the other aspects of the movie were great too. I mean, Whoopi Goldberg can never go wrong. Seeing the "supernatural" and the responses to it in this were great. The penny balancing.. what a thing to do to prove that he was still there, hm?

In other news, I finished my purse today. Now I just need to find the time to put it and a pair of jeans/ a towel into the washing machine and felt it. Hopefully it'll shrink - it's practically down to my knees, and quite wide as well. But it's all sewn together and everything, so I'm pleased about that. It should be done and felted and everything by the end of the week - maybe I'll bring it on vacation! That'd be nice...

Wondering if there's any iPhone apps for blogspot. Shall look into that now.

Hmm.. sorry it's short - I'm still a bit numb from Ghost. See it, if you haven't already. If you haven't - shame on you, it's been 19 years! ;)

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