Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Viva Las Vegas!

My day has passed in a haze of driving and knitting and smoke and Vegas... And most recently, Phantom.

We left San Diego about eleven thirty this morning.. Got into Las Vegas at about four or so. Managed to do quite a bit of damage on my blanket. I think I should reach my goal of Wednesday afternoon. And if I don't, it'll be very shortly afterwards.

The new Palazzo hotel is just lovely. I'm not staying there, but it's just so pretty that I had to comment on it.

So I had my heart set on seeing Phantom again here in Vegas for my upcoming birthday. And it happened! I was fifth row center, and it was such a great seat. A bit pricey, of course, but worth every penny. Even though I got sat next to a pair of six year olds. Honestly, who brings six year olds to Phantom of the Opera? Especially to the more expensive seats? Geez.. But anyway, the kids weren't TOO annoying, and I managed to get through the performance with no damage. The kids also let me connect with the very nice gay couple sitting in front of me. Anywho, the Phantom wasn't the best I've seen (that title would belong to John Cudia - soooo wonderful!) but he definitely gave the part what it needed. Christine - and let it be known that I feel catty even typing this - was appropriately weak. Even though Christine is innocent, she needs to have a certain weakness of mind that allows the Phantom to have so much power over her. This actress played it wonderfully. Not to mention she had a beautiful singing voice. :) Raoul is considered a big part, I know, but Raoul (besides being cool to type) seems more of a bit part to me, in the information we're given. There are only so many ways to play "rich noble hates Phantom, loves Christine, must be tenor and tall".

So I'm back in the room and my mind won't get off Phantom.. Hope sleep comes soon!

I shall update soon. Until then-

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