Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do do do dum-dum do do da!

For those of you who may not realize what my post title is all about, that's part of the Jeopardy waiting music.

So. It's almost midnight. I've been trying (and failing quite spectacularily, I think) for the past hour to fall asleep. And yet I can't. Not too surprising, really, as I fell victim to a nasty sinus headache about two hours ago. So that prevents me from getting too comfy. Then my thoughts keep wandering to what I'm going to need to do when we get home tomorrow. Like, what I still need to pack, and all that stuff. I'm trying not to think about it, I promise, and am trying to think of more pleasant things (like last night's Phantom performance, for instance) but eventually it goes back to wondering about what clothes I'm bringing, or where I put all the miscellaneous yet essential bathroom things when I unpacked at the beginning of the summer.

Unless I work my ass off and am incredibly lucky, I don't think I'll be able to finish my blanket by tomorrow afternoon. In my doze-hazy mental calculator, I figured out that I have roughly 55 rows left. And at 114 stitches a row.. Like I said, hard work and luck will determine if I finish by my self-appointed goal.

Also, I don't know if anyone else heard this rumor, but apparently Eminem died on Sunday morning, by a fatal text-related car accident. Now, I'm pretty sure it's false (the man's had more death rumors in the past nine years than Elvis has had live spottings) but if anyone anywhere has reliable evidence to the contrary, please let me know.

Wish me luck for a good night's sleep!

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