Sunday, November 22, 2009

Driving back

We're on the way back from Arizona right now. All I can say is, thank God for this iPhone app. A good third of my posts have been from here.

But anyway.

California is stupid and we had to change our clocks back one hour, last month. So I've gotten used to that time. Well, Arizona isn't on that schedule. They kept our old time, so everything went forward an hour while our bodies were still with California time.

Insert groan here.

Yeah, that wasn't the most fun. But it was fun, seeing all my relatives. I don't see them nearly enough. My baby cousin ("Liam") is getting so big! We had an awesome time this morning watching The Incredibles! Every time he would request that I turn it off, I'd ignore it (I blame my behavior on the fact that I was woken up at 7 am according to my internal clock) and he'd go outside and visit with his mom then come inside and become fascinated again. I love his attention span! Three year olds are awesome.

So anywho, we got back on the road at 10 or so and drove about two hours before stopping in Quartzsite, Arizona. Quartzsite is this itty bitty town that plays host to a gem show/flea market from late November to late February. It sounds pretty epic. But it wasn't going on just now. But the reason we stopped is because of the naked bookseller. Yes, you read that right. Well, he's technically not NAKED. He does have a crocheted thong pouch thing to hold his.....thing. His store is pretty awesome. He has books from all eras, so you're pretty much guaranteed to find something. Both times I've been there, I've had a specific book in mind. Last time I didn't happen to find it. Today I found it purely by happenstance. My dad had already paid for our books and was talking to the guy, and mom and I were still in the store. On a lark we decided to look for Julia Child's 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking'. It wasn't there, but my book was plainly there in the next section over, staring right at me. :)

After that, we walked around the town some more. I got a turquoise ring and an opal charm for my necklace for $20.

Good trip.

Oh! That's right! I forgot to mention that my grandparents are letting me borrow four Al Jolson movies- including the first "talkie" ever: The Jazz Singer. I got so excited...

Okay, NOW knitting update:
- I finished a scarf for my friend for Christmas.
- Started a 1x1 rib cotton scarf cuz my hands were getting tired of the wool I was working with.
- Just about at the point to turn the heel for my Christmas stocking.
- Forgot my sweater directions at home, so beyond "knit 7 inches garter stitch before decreases", it's all a mystery.
- Started another Christmas scarf for another friend. On size 15 needles with one of my favorite ever yarns.
- Debating what stitch to do on an important project.

And that's it for now. Are we there yet, are we there yet?


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