Saturday, November 14, 2009

My hair...

Has calmed down. Thank god. I've been getting compliments on it left right and center today. :)

Okay. I had too many thoughts in my head at dinner so wrote them down in no particular order. So please excuse the randomness and order of the below topics.

The Odyssey (where we were at) is very very yummy. Also very "antique chic". It has the best view of the Valley of anywhere I can imagine except when crossing the Sepulveda Pass in driving. It's so pretty, especially at night. The whole Valley just lights up.. Love it!

I admire anyone who works in food service. There must be so many people that come through your section, and all of them expect so much of you. Of course, in this town, it's all about substitutions and what's health-conscious and stuff. They deserve more than what they get, dealing with brats like us.

Okay, so I've come to the conclusion that Friends had the right idea. Chatting in a coffeehouse with friends has taken up two days of this weekend already and I've had so much fun.

The caffeine doesn't hurt matters, either. :)

So my new idea is to find an independent coffeehouse in both towns - at home and at school. Screw Starbucks. They have enough customers. It's the little companies that need the support.

Barnes and Noble almost ripped me off today. I was looking at a CD, and it was $18. As I'm standing at the listening station, I get the brilliant idea to check on my phone on iTunes. Where the same CD was only $9. Um, I'm all for supporting the music industry, but I'm still going to get the cheaper one. At least I'll buy it, you know? I know people that could get it for free for me. Illegally, but still. I buy. I'm legal. :)

Okay. That's all the backside of my script has to offer. If anything else comes up, you'll be the first to know.


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