Thursday, November 19, 2009

Well, now-

This was a nice surprise. I check Facebook and saw I had an invitation - a call to post creative writing pieces to the school newspaper, which I've been a part of since last year. I accept the invitation, go to the page, and see a friend's poem, which looks interesting. I click the link to go to the site, not thinking anything of it.

Until I see under the "Recently Commented" links: 'Opinion: RENT'.

Wow, I thought. Did someone else write a RENT article? And proceed to click on THAT link. Which deposits me at my article. Posted ten days ago. That I had no clue about.


I am still soooo excited! I don't care that I wasn't told - I have the site bookmarked, and yet I didn't notice my own article? Come on... - but that I'm a published writer again?

Oh, sooo good.

In other news: I had my audition for the spring Production last night. Kinda (really) screwed up my monologue, but had clear sailing once I was able to hold my notecards - I think just having the option of having them made me more confident in my ability to perform it. Other than that, I feel I did well.

Oh, yeah. Yesterday was a month. :)

I'm at home now, getting ready for Thanksgiving break. Tomorrow we head out to Arizona to make Thanksgiving dinner for my grandparents. The car ride out there should be really fun. I've my knitting (and LOTS of it, so if I get bored with one project I can just pull out another) and a few books and my homework sitting on the floor next to me. THAT shan't be joining us.

Ahhh... let's see here. Knitting update: I've started a Christmas stocking. It's moving along fairly quickly, which is a pleasant surprise. Of course, it helps that I'm using needles larger than toothpicks or skewers, and really bulky yarn. Instead of the aforementioned toothpicks and spiderweb-thin yarn. Yup. Um.. on my lap is my newest project: a sweater. It's on absolutely HUGE needles and REALLY thick yarn. If I have enough, I want to be finished by the time we get back from Arizona. I think that the time in the car may be enough time. I hope so, in any case. I started it an hour ago and have about three inches of the top already done. And it only has to be twenty on one side.. always nice.

I think I'll leave it there.


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